Double Grand Slam
Once in a lifetime experience, light tackle double Grand Slam. |
Angler, Kent McCauley
hooks up first tarpon after 5 minutes of fishing. The 80 pound tarpon was released after a
45 minute fight. |
10 minutes after the
first tarpon was released, Kent hooked up his second tarpon of the morning. This
tarpon was about 50 pounds. |
Before the excitement
of the tarpon wore off, Kent hooked up a permit on a live crab. Right away we knew it was
time to try for a Grand Slam. |
After a 25 minute run
to a bonefish flat, Kent made a great cast with a live shrimp to a school of mudding
bonefish. Grand Slam! |
Even before we could
celebrate the Grand Slam, Kent made another cast and hooked his second bonefish and
quickly released it. |
Kent McCauley holds
up two fingers as he completes Grand Slam number 2 of the day by catching this permit.
Congratulations Kent! |